I have always enjoyed the month of December. There is no better place to be during the holidays than an elementary school. Hopeful young faces spark warm feelings of seasonal spirit in jaded adults. Excited children make December the best month of the school year. Instrumental and choral performances liven up the schoolhouse. December makes us young again. Memories of holidays past come flooding back with every simple sight and smell. Hold fast to December.
For teachers, December is the calm before the storm. They embrace December because they know what happens in January. Every day is a step closer to the second half of the school year. Time accelerates after December. December is a fun and family-centered time. Even the “busyness” of December is slower than the pace of days from January to June. In December, I pretend that January isn’t coming. It makes me feel better.
Hold fast to December. Drink piping mugs of hot chocolate with dollops of whipped cream. Wear your pajamas all day and do nothing. Read a book. Take your dog for a walk. Have a staring contest with your cat. Visit family members. Check on your neighbors. The joys of December are limitless. January will come. The approaching year will be easier to celebrate if you get everything out of December. Make plans. Go slow. Go fast. Just go. Hold fast to December.